Tuesday, 15 March 2011

play play play

Well it's mid-March and I haven't really watched much NCAA because I'm finding it difficult to get hold of games. I haven't tried so hard as I've been grinding and grinding. Today is Tuesday morning (bed time soon!) and I've played every day since Thursday. So far everyday has been online, apart from Saturday where I grinded a live £550 side at the Victoria Casino LONDON TOWN.

It's been quite a mixture resultswise. For myself I've just been raping, whilst for my backers I'm just doing the absolute worst. I don't really win huge tournaments because that's not how my life has gone so far up to this point (pls God let that change at least once, ty) but I've done well overall.
Sunday I totally bricked out for the absolute worst session of the week. In an EPT satellite I came 4th when first 2 spots got a 7.6k euro package, 3rd gets 5.4k euros cash and 4th gets 0. I was not best pleased by a huge amount. I got super unlucky in a bunch of spots, including multiple spots where people did stupid stuff and I was just loling untill the board ran out and I lost.

Today went super bad overall, but somehow I managed to luckbox a winner takes all sat to the Irish Open in a 22 rebuy. I ran so good on the FT, that that was probably where all my run good was stored for the day. IN other tournaments, some really weird shit happened where I got AI 4-way twice with AK and didn't win against vastly inferior plays (and hands). I think overall I was about 7/10 which is reasonable. I ran pretty bad in all of my biggest buyins, and definitely tilted in 2 spots. I only note this because it's actually very rare for me to tilt, and whilst I do make mistakes, I very very rarely actually make them whilst conciously thinking 'hey this is a mistake!'. I was flipping both times (although I think lucky to do so) and if I run a little better I just go on and win all the monies (maybe).

Right now I'm up at 7am because I don't really want to wake up early. Later today is a £275 side event at the Vic at 7.30pm and I plan to win. There's gonna be like zero money for first, but it's a short handed live tournament, and I've never actually played one before in the UK. With the low buyin it should just be a hilarious button clicking fest. The structure is actually really strong for such a small buyin, and I'd be very excited to run even averagely as that should be enough for me to build towers.

In the £550 side I played, I opened 4 times in my first 2 hours of play, 3 of them I got limp reraised. If I was watching this happen, I'd have been falling over laughing. Unfortuanately it was happening to me, and not so much fun. I was actually the biggest nit at the table by far, and to get LRR that frequently is pretty absured really. In the end I just had to wait and ended up ninja shortstacking untill the blinds pwned me. The table was me, 1 decent young kid and a bunch of idiots clicking random buttons in 10 handed no ante. They had no idea, but hey, those LRR got me. I actually never had starting stack the whole tournament.

Online superstar mement_mori is currently staying with me, as he's been bored and wanted to play a UKIPT (dumbass). Anyway since he's in the country and can free accomodation here, he's playing online poker with me and grinding the GUKPT London. Assuming I don't make day 2 of this 6-max, I will take Wednesday off and then play the £1.5k on Thursday. Mickey pointed out that my last 2 live cashes were for 9th place and 7th place, so I assume 5th is the most likely next cashing position.

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