Tuesday, 10 May 2011

ahhhh yeeahhhh

It's been nice hanging out at home doing not so much. A week in, I've grinded tournaments on Friday and Sunday. Friday went badly although I probably had like 25% ITM rate. I ft bubbled something like 3 of my 8 biggest tournaments of the day or so, and had numerous cash bubbles too. Still lost money though, because I just couldn't convert.

Sunday went pretty terribly. I had like 2 cashes on the day, but did make day 2 of the ftops.fr. Somehow after spending the first 3 hrs of the tournament with less than starting stack, I had the CL 5 handed when we chopped, for 45k euros! I'm pretty pleased with the result, had to give 12k to Jack because we swapped a lot pre tournament.
I'm super pleased with how this month is going now. I've cashed for a bunch ,had some nice success buying action... and we're only 10 days in! Hopefully I can put up a few scores before Vegas and then show everyone how this shit is done for reals in the Summer.

I was planning to play some SCOOPS today, maybe I'll just jump in the turbos later tonight. Was planning to play the HU but it just feels like too much hassle. This week I have only Wednesday and Saturday 'off' as SCOOP is just killing it. play play play

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